Come, stop your crying,
It will be all right.
Just take my hand,
Hold it tight.
I will protect you
From all around you.
I will be here,
Don't you cry.For one so small,
You seem so strong.
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm.
This bond between us
Can't be broken.
I will be here,
Don't you cry.
'Cause you'll be in my heart,
Yes, you'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more.
You'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
You'll be here in my heart, always.
Why can't they understand
The way we feel.
They just don't trust
What they can't explain.
I know we're different but,
Deep inside us
We're not that different at all.
And you'll be in my heart,
Yes, you'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more.
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know?
We need each other,
To have, to hold.
They'll see in time,
I know.
When destiny calls you,
You must be strong.
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on.
They'll see in time,
I know.
We'll show them together.
'Cause you'll be in my heart,
Yes, you'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more.
Oh, you'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
You'll be in my heart, always,
Sunday, July 27, 2008
You'll be in my heart
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pienso continuar....
Quien mas si no
a las
11:31 PM
Sobre que trata?: adios Stifler, homenaje, Mini Stifler
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Adiós Stifler
Talvez muchos ya se habían dado cuenta por el mensaje que les envié el martes, si, nuestro amigo Stifler se ha ido al puente del arcoiris este martes, pero no quería hacerlo saber hasta hoy.... Maybe many of you know it because of the message I send you at Tuesday, yes, our friend Stifler has crossed the bridge on Tuesday, but I don't want you to know until today.... La ida de Stifler fue inesperada para todos, nadie lo pensó así, incluso el veterinario de Stifler pensó que se trataba de algo no tan grave, pero para nosotros fue muy grave porque nuestros corazons se partieron. Stifler's death was unexpected, anyone though he was going to die, his veterinarian said it was not so warnful, but it was for us, we're heartbroken. No quería mostrarles las fotos de el cuepo de Stifler cuando cruzó el puente, de todas formas, están en su propio album en Picasa, que pueden ver aqui :( I don't want you to see the photos of Stifler after he crossed the bridge, anyways, you can see them here, they are a little bit disturbing :( Al otro día fue el funeral, aqui no existen cementerios de animales, lo mas que pudimos hacer, era enterrarlo en nuestra casa para que descansara con nosotros, le pusimos una foto de el dentro de su ataud, y una margarita arriba (porque uno de sus deseos era poder estar con Daisy)
The other day we have to make it's farewell, here is no animal's cementeries so the best thing we could did was to make that in our home, so he can rest with us. In his coffin we put a picture of him and a daisy on the top of his coffin (cause one of his wishes was to stay with Daisy) Cada vez que mami hacía cada vez el hueco mas grande en la tierra, cada vez mas grande se hacía un hoyo en mi coraz♥n, pero era todo lo que se podía hacer Everytime mom make the hole bigger on the ground, it makes me a bigger hole in my heart♥ too, but it was the better thing I could did. Nadie olvidará a Stifler, eso es lo mas seguro que se puede decir hasta ahora Anyone will forget Stifler, that's something sure
Quien mas si no
a las
5:47 PM
Sobre que trata?: adios Stifler, homenaje
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
MM: Beso de despedida - Farewell Kiss
Quien mas si no
a las
7:53 PM
Sobre que trata?: amigos, hamsters, homenaje, mala suerte, memes, miercoles mudo, Mini Stifler
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tengo un nuevo hermanito!
Hola a todos, les presento a Mini Stifler, mi nuevo hermanito!
Talvez cambie el banner, pero será uy dificil aceptar al pequeño para mi, corre, chilla, durme, es terrible!
Espero que les haya gustado Mini Stifler ;)
Quien mas si no
a las
5:56 PM
Sobre que trata?: amigos, aventuras, buena suerte, hamsters, mascotas, Mini Stifler, regalos, visitas
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Stella cumple mañana!
Mañana (martes) es el cumpleaños de mi amiga mas cercana, Stella. En realidad esa no es su fecha de nacimiento, sus dueños dicen que nació en marzo, o algo así. Y como es su dia especial, le voy a dar algo especial....pero que?
Decidí darle a Miz Stella, la peluche que me regalo GG, de regalo, bueno, es solo para que la acompañe, ya que ella se autodescribe como "la gata solitaria"
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Domingo Sorpresivo: por fin Stifler juega con Stella!
Quien mas si no
a las
7:47 PM
Sobre que trata?: amigos, buena suerte, da hamzterz' diary guide, especiales de Stifler, fotos, gatos, gracioso, hamsters, malvados, stella
Friday, June 27, 2008
Photohunt Brightz
Oh My flickr account iz "on the limit" HALP HALP! (see small letters below)
De vuelta a lo nuestro....
Today's Theme is Bright, today I'll make a Mystery (like Daisy but in Saturday) Lets see if you can guess....
El tema de hoy es brillante, hoy voy a hacer un misterio, Veamos si pueden adivinar...
Stifler - Stella - Ambos

Stifler - Stella - Both
Stifler - Stella - Ambos

Stifler - Stella - Both
Stifler - Stella - Ambos
Al final del dia, pondré las respuestas en color naranja, así podran ver si adivinaron
(read small letters)
Halp, Halp my Flickr account is endagened! Oh gosh what can I do? Soemone can gift it to me, or halp me? (We cannot pay frum here) Pleez tell me what can I do, I saw many of you haz pro accounts, how do you do it?