Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meme muy dificil

Merlin nos invito a este meme, originalmente de Artsy Catsy :
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to artsycatsy once you have posted it.

Aqui estan las reglas:
1.Coge el libro mas cercano
2. Abre la pagina 123
3. Busca la quinta oración
4.Escribe las 3 oraciones proximas
5.Mandaselo a 5 personas y comentale a Artsy Catsy cuando lo has hecho

Bueno el que tenía mas cerca era el de lecturas en ingles de mami, la historia es: "Shutting OUT the sky":
Lo malo esque solo llega a las cuatro oraciones, asi que haremos un leve cambio
Leeremos la pagina 124 en el capitulo "Marcus the peddler":

"This was America, she reminded (who's she?) him, where everybody hustled, and nearly everybody peddled. Marcus was ashamed and nervous at the same time. A lowly peddler! This certainly wasn't the way he'd imagined his start in America He'd been so sure he could get rich rigth away. But what other choice once he have?"

Las primeras 5 personas que comenten, podren usar este meme
Si quieren saber sobre mi pierna visiten Mi fotolog

1 comment:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That looks like a good book

~ Girl girl

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