Friday, May 16, 2008

Photohunt Candy, yum yum

Hoy visite el jardin de James, June, y su hijo Harry:
Today, I visit James' fambly's garden:

Stifler: Hola James, que tienes hoy?

Stifler: Hi James, What you haf today?

James: lo de siempre. mini-piñas, zanahorias y muchas semillas

James: The same as always, pineapples, carrets....

Stifler: No tienes algo asi como.....dulces?

Stifler: You don't haf somefing like.....candy?

June: Dulces?????! No niño, esto es un jardin

June: Candiez???? No kid, this is a GARDEN

James: June querida, recuerda lo de la sorpresa para Stif.

James: June dear, remember the fing about the Stif's Surprise..

Stifler: Que????

Stifler: What??????

James: Ups...

Creo que ya te diste cuenta, te lo voy a enseñar
James: OOOPS!
I fink you know wut is it, I'll show you

Harry: Donde Pa?
Harry: Where dad?

James: Justo aqui, en mi canasta
James: Here, in my basket

Y todos empezaron a comer, NOM NOM NOM
And then they start eatin...NOM NOM

Y comieron hasta que ya no pudieron

And then they ate hapilly ever after

PS: James and June are like twins, but they're husband and wife, James is at this color and June is like this to show the differenz


ZOOLATRY said...

Hi Stifler. You look quite good with your "garden friends"... remember too: carrots are better than candy! Really, they are.
We're glad you're feeling better.

Daisy said...

I am glad you got to share some delicious treats from the bunny's basket!

ps: Do not forget to check out my Sunday Comic tomorrow!

Pretty Life Online said...

great catch for today's theme... mine's up too hope you can drop by...

Copito said...

Jaja me encantan tus nuevos amigos Stif, son geniales, ¿les sobró algo para mi?


Mañana se va mi mami, asi que no tendrán muchas noticias mías.

Cuidate mucho esa patita.

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