Un dia Stifler estaba muy aburidoooooooooooooooo...
One day Stifler was very boredddddddddddddddddd
Entonces quiso ir al la playa, pero estaba lloviendo muchooooooooooooooo
Sooo he wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining tooooooooo much
Sooo, quiso ir a algun lugar que hubiera sol, entonces usó su jarra de aventuras y decia "quiero que vayas a Hawaii y surfees"
Sooo, he wanted to go to someplace with sun, so he take his jar of adventures and the paper said: "I want you to go to Hawaii and I want you to surf"
Voló en su carrito de vagón hacia Hawaii y justamente habia un concurso de surf en el cual necesitaba parejas
He flew in his wagon to Hawaii and just when he came there was a surfing contest in which they needed pairs
Stifler: Stella, puedes ir a surfear conmigo?
Stifler: Stella, can you surf with me
Stella: No puedo, de aún asi estoy muy traquila comiendo lagartjas, dejame empaz
Stella: I can't, I'm very comfurrtible here eating lizerds, let me in peez
He wanted to enter to the contest so he taked Stellaluna, but the judge said Stifler was very small to participate
Aparentemente, Stifler no encontró pareja para surfear, pero su amigo Fluffles queria irse de Hawaii sin tener que pagar, entonces Stifler y Fluffles se estaban preparando para irse
So, Stifler can't find a pair for surfing, but his friend Fluffles wanted to left Hawaii freely, so Stifler and Fluffles were preparing to leave
Pero Stifler olvido que habia parqueado en una enpinada, y se fueron cayendo lentamente, hasta que se fue cayendo lentamente, a rapidamente
But Stifler forgot he was parked in a pike of a mountain and it started to fell down and down, slowly to quickly
En ese momento, cayeron en el agua, por suerte el vagón siguió en pie y ahora funcionaba como un bote
In that moment they fell in the water, for the luck of them, the wagon still floating, now it woked as a boat
Asi fueron flotando cerca de la costa, pero una ola se los llevó
Then they were floating near the coast, but a wave take then far
Fue una ola gigante, pero a ninguno de los dos les importó
It was a VERY BIG wave, but both pets didn't care
Finalmente, llegaron a la costa con una gran sorpresa...
Finally, they went in the coast with a big surprise...
Habian ganado el concurso! pero Fluffles y Stifler no lo creian
They had won the contest! but Fluffles and Stifler were confused
Pero tomaron el premio de todas formas
But they took the prize anywayz!
Monday, June 9, 2008
La aventura en Hawaii
The endz
Quien mas si no
a las
8:34 PM
Sobre que trata?: aventuras, buena suerte, concursos, da hamzterz' diary guide, fiesta, fotos, gracioso, hamsters, mala suerte, mascotas, stella
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Hi Stifler, that was a great adventure you had in Hawaii!! We are so glad you won the surfing contest!!
And we are glad Stella got to go with you!
Your FL furiends,
That's a great adventure Stifler! Congratulations to you all for winning!
Sanjee and the rest of the Hotties
That sure is a fun adventure. How come they took your prize away? I'll partner you next time
~ Girl girl
Hi I'm Asta ..we talked at the chat pawty, but I havent seen you since..I loved youw adventoowe..I hope we can be fwiendz
smoochie kisses
Juar qué buen comic Stif...
Hi,Stifler, I talked with you during Gree's shower last night. Fun adventure you had surfing. I'd forgotten how cute and delectable hamsters are. Meowza would like you very much. Furriends.
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