Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sports Sunday: Stifler wins da rainforest race!

Ejem. Hola a todos, por si lo han notado hoy puse el titulo en ingles, ya que estoy esperando la respuesta de los gatos de Cat blogosphere, a ver si aceptan un hamster en su web
Mientras, hoy voy a escribir en ingles, que creen, que no se?
Hi there!

Today is Sports Sunday, and Angel the cat chase me to a race haha hahahahah lol I can stop laughing, but I was nervous so I went on rainforest

These were the rules

First we chase the cronomether to know who's faster
Then we climb the mountain
The fastest player with less minutes will win
Who's faster?
I start running, like I was attacked by an eagle but I make 1:50 and Angel do 1:49

So This time cats were faster than me, but lets see what happens on the mountain

Note: Cats are adapted to run for hunting and hamsters are adpted to run, and run, when someones want to hunt it!

Just watch the video to see wut happens

(and the video?) ok i'm gonna tell you, mommy and I was climbings, mommy wuz with the camera, when I was climbing, she fall down haha (sorry mom)

Who's better?

I do 1:49 and angel the cat do 1:50

It was a tie!!!

This is like the story of the hare and the turtle, but more intresting

Who's better Felines or Rodents?

We'll never know



Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hello Stifler and welcome to the cat blogosphere. Of course we accept you, we accept all animals (even humans). We promise not to chase you or try to eat you, we're pretty well fed so it shuold not be a problem.

Daisy said...

Hi Stifler! Nice to meet you. You are a very nice looking hamster. I think cats and hamsters are both very speedy. A tie is good!

Hot(M)BC said...

Hi Stifler. We are happy to meet you! You are a cool hamster :) We will link to you at our blog and at the Cat Blogosphere too! A tie between hamsters and cats is good :)
the Hotties

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