Friday, June 27, 2008

Photohunt Brightz

Oh My flickr account iz "on the limit" HALP HALP! (see small letters below)
De vuelta a lo nuestro....

Today's Theme is Bright, today I'll make a Mystery (like Daisy but in Saturday) Lets see if you can guess....

El tema de hoy es brillante, hoy voy a hacer un misterio, Veamos si pueden adivinar...

Can you guess 1
Stifler - Stella - Both
Stifler - Stella - Ambos

Can you guess 2
Stifler - Stella - Both
Stifler - Stella - Ambos
Can you guess 3
Stifler - Stella - Both
Stifler - Stella - Ambos

At the end of the day, I'll color the answers Orange, so you can see if you guessed
Al final del dia, pondré las respuestas en color naranja, así podran ver si adivinaron
(read small letters)

Halp, Halp my Flickr account is endagened! Oh gosh what can I do? Soemone can gift it to me, or halp me? (We cannot pay frum here) Pleez tell me what can I do, I saw many of you haz pro accounts, how do you do it?


Troubles with bright photos?


Pretty Life Online said...

Great idea for today's theme... Mine's up too hope you can drop by.... Happy weekend!

Daisy said...

Stifler, I cannot figure it out! I tried and tried! I cannot wait to see the answer.

I don't know what to do about flickr. I do not use that.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Beautifully bright photos. Sorry I can't help you with flikr though. I don't use them very often. I hope you get it straightened out soon.

CrAzY Working Mom

CRIZ LAI said...

Aiks... the photos are so bright that it's hurting my eyes.. keke. Nicely done :)

p/s: Flickr limits you to 200 photos. Anything before that will not be shown unless you pay up. Why don't you try I have hundreds of photos and there seemed to be no limitation. Good Luck then :)

World of Animals, Inc said...

We love the idea of this theme. We can't wait to see what you come up with next. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals

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